US Missions - Youth Alive
Wyoming Youth Alive Students Conclude Summer with Sunset Tour
Youth Alive students led outreaches in five Wyoming cities as they partnered with local churches to reach the communities' youth.
Resourcing New Students
Tristan Jepson starts Youth Alive ministry in Wyoming.
Blending Music and Ministry
Christian hip-hop artist Elohin impacts lives in various venues.
White House Briefing for Faith Leaders Held
Faith leaders were introduced to the new Faith and Opportunity directors of each major U.S. department.
Making Missionaries on Campus
Students relate to Georgia Youth Alive leader Jessica Riner.
Called Back to School
Senior pastor returns to student environment as U.S. missionary with Youth Alive in Arkansas.
Transforming Schools and Communities Through Love
Youth Alive missionary, John Ginnan, is seeing schools leaders, school children, and communities respond to love.
Small Town Response
Student’s commitment to bring a Seven Project rally to school makes a big impression.
When Calling and Missions Discover One Another
As Youth Alive missionaries Joe and Natalie Barnoske discovered, reaching youth for Christ is easier and more effective with a solid support system in place!
No Need to Wait for Adulthood
Teenage campus missionary Alyssa Kellum makes good on her calling at an early age.