Bryce Goodlett and his father, Rodney, have a pretty sweet way of raising money for Speed the Light.
Apr 27, 2020, By Dan Van Veen
North Carolina tribal members find value in Christian college education.
Sep 10, 2021, By Deann Alford
Gleanings for Christians from the Jewish Festival of Lights.
Dec 15, 2022, By Carol Calise
Quilen and Hannah Blackwell have been called by God to reach youth in the Englewood neighborhood -- sharing Christ with inner-city youth and giving them hope -- in a very unusual way.
Jun 05, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
Bible scholar Wave Nunnally examines an often-overlooked aspect of Christ's prayer life.
May 05, 2021, By Wave Nunnally
Africa is changing as people flock to the urban centers, blurring former tribal lines and creating new ones.
Jun 05, 2017, By Andy Raatz
In this second part of "Jesus in the Grainfields," Jesus' response to the Pharisees is unveiled to reveal just how masterful His response was!
Apr 03, 2017, By Wave Nunnally
Farmer-turned-pastor spurs church growth in Arkansas.
Mar 07, 2022, By Borghy R Holm
A former AG pastor, Bruce Snavely has continued to minister, especially to those in need, and now God is using his hobby to change lives!
Oct 17, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
His young life was on the fast track to a dead end, but God had other plans.
Jul 05, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
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