Missionary Bryan Webb shares about the latest church plant in a remote village in Vanuatu.
Mar 20, 2017, By Bryan Webb
Superstorm Cyclone Harold hit the island nation of Vanuatu hard and has decimated many towns and villages.
Apr 09, 2020, By Bryan Webb
An official Commissioning Service of 108 AGWM missionaries will take place at General Council on Sunday, Aug. 4, with the service being livestreamed on the AGWM Facebook page.
Jul 30, 2019, By Kristel Zelaya
Royal Rangers in Singapore is for boys and girls — and now, with its association with the country's National Youth Achievement Award, parents are seeing even more value in the program.
Jun 02, 2017, By Bryan Webb
AG missions agencies and partners are responding to a world in crisis
Oct 04, 2017, By Kristel Zelaya
Missionary Bryan Backus found God had placed him at the right place at the right time to physically save a Buddhist's life and share Christ's love for him.
Dec 29, 2020, By Bryan Backus
A standing room only audience of more than 12,000 people cheered the winners of the 2001 National Fine Arts Festival celebration rally Friday afternoon at the Kansas City Convention Center.
Aug 10, 2001, By John W. Kennedy
God is opening doors and drawing the hearts of many in the Asia Pacific, but the need for more workers remains a strong call.
Aug 20, 2019, By Renée Griffith
Throughout the world, the gospel message faces varying levels and forms of opposition.
Jun 07, 2019, By AGWM Communications
Devastating twister hits Vanuatu, where nearly one-fourth of the population is part of the Fellowship.
Mar 18, 2015, By Randy Hurst
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