Get Ready: Something Supernatural is Happening on Campus!
Chi Alpha, AG World Missions, and AG U.S. Missions have high expectations for the upcoming World Missions Summit that will bring at least 5,000 college students, missionaries, and leaders together to focus on reaching the lost around the world, January 4-7, in Houston, Texas.
But it’s not the gathering alone that has leaders excited; it’s the anticipation that God is going to do something so powerful during The World Missions Summit (TWMS) that it may very well one day be seen as a spark that helped ignite the greatest spiritual awakening ever across the United States!
Already local and national Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A. staff are being stunned by what God is doing on campuses. God is moving in such a powerful way that E. Scott Martin, senior director of National Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, is confident this will be a record-shattering year in multiple ways for the U.S. Missions’ ministry.
“I don't have the full numbers yet,” Martin says, “but the reports coming in are like nothing ever seen before! In one Chi Alpha group, 80 students came to Christ in one event; in another, 72 students were baptized in one night — record numbers. And every place Crystal [Scott Martin’s wife] and I have gone this fall, we’ve seen increased numbers and increased ministry in every capacity.”
But that’s not all, Martin says earlier this year, he felt God telling him he was about to witness the greatest spiritual awakening in history. “And anyone in student ministry knows the significance of that kind of statement,” Martin says
Martin isn’t alone in this revelation, Chi Alpha isn’t alone in experiencing God’s blessing, and the timing of the awakening is appears to be close at hand. Martin says within two weeks of having that prophetic word from God, it was confirmed twice — once by Mark Gathier, the executive director of U.S. Cru’s (Campus Crusade for Christ) Campus Ministry and again by Central [Latin] District Superintendent Dennis Rivera.
“When I told Mark of the word I received, he responded by telling me that he had been sensing the same thing in his spirit, and then he asked to share the word with the national leaders of Cru.” Following that confirmation, during the August General Prebytery meeting, no fewer than three times did Rivera say, “I believe America is about ready to see a great awakening, and it will be led by millenials.”
Jeff Hartensveld, Mobilization director for AGWM, also passionately believes God is going to do something remarkable at TWMS. “I personally had a vision that there will be an open heaven over Houston on those three days and God will pour out His Spirit,” he says.
He has also called all AG World Missionaries to spend one day a week for the next 10 weeks lifting the World Missions Summit up in prayer, while challenging the staff at the national office to fast Friday lunches to pray over the summit.
Hartensveld refers to Scripture and how Jesus told his disciples to wait until the Holy Spirit comes and fills them with power from heaven (Luke 24:49). “During those 10 days they waited on the Lord and sought after Him for that power,” Hartensveld says. “What would happen if we tarried one day a week for 10 weeks? Could we be so bold to expect the same kinds of results?”
General Superintendent George O. Wood joins with Martin and Hartensveld in asking that the Assemblies of God, as a whole, come together to lift The World Missions Summit up in prayer for the next 10 weeks, beginning Friday, Oct. 28.
“I urge each Assemblies of God member to prayerfully consider this request,” Wood states. “Let’s believe this time together will lead to a revival of historic proportions!”
Those who would like to join in setting time aside to pray for the summit are asked to visit the prayer page of the TWMS website and register the number of minutes of prayer they will dedicate to the summit each week. Those who register will receive an email each week with a specific prayer point. Currently, more than 1,600 hours of prayer have been committed.