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New EMERGE President

Robert Crosby to lead counseling ministry.

Robert C. Crosby has been elected the new president and CEO of EMERGE Ministries in Akron, Ohio. EMERGE Ministries provides confidential, biblically based, and Spirit-empowered outpatient mental health care.

Crosby has served as vice president of Southeastern University and as professor of practical theology in the Barnett College of Ministry and Theology at the Assemblies of God school in Lakeland, Florida. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and is completing a doctorate at Regent University. Before coming to SEU, Crosby and his wife, Pamela, pastored churches in New York and Boston for 25 years.

The Crosbys are co-founders of Teaming Life, a ministry that equips couples and families. They conduct services, seminars, and conferences on topics related to pastor health, wellness, marriage, and team-building. They are the parents of four adult children and two grandchildren. Their newest book together is The Will of a Man & The Way of a Woman: Balancing & Blending Better Together.

A contributing writer to Outreach magazine and Christianity Today, Crosby has written several other books, including The Teaming Church: Ministry in the Age of Collaboration, More Than a Savior, and The One Jesus Loves. His newest book is co-authored with Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, and is entitled, When Faith Catches Fire. Crosby has traveled and preached throughout the U.S. and South America, and has partnered with Hispanic leaders, pastors, and churches on strategic outreaches and ministry events.

EMERGE Ministries was founded in 1973 by Richard Dobbins, a pioneer in the field of Christian psychology, uniting a biblical foundation with pastoral care and clinical counseling. EMERGE has become a go-to source for church leaders and adherents.

The EMERGE clinical team includes licensed psychologists, counselors, and social workers. The organization has been instrumental in bringing renewal and restoration to thousands of pastors, missionaries, and laypeople, serving over 250,000 people to date.

Crosby will assume his new duties in May. Donald A. Lichi has been serving as interim president at EMERGE Ministries since last fall.