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EP Statement Regarding General Treasurer Appointment

AG Executive Presbytery issues statement regarding the appointment of a new general treasurer-elect.
The following is a statement from the Executive Presbytery of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.

In the hours following the adjournment of business Aug. 3, at the 58th General Council of the Assemblies of God, a letter of withdrawal was received from General Treasurer-elect Rod Loy. Upon the acceptance of this letter, a special session of the Executive Presbytery convened in accordance to the General Council bylaws, which require this body to fill vacancies created when the General Council is not in session.

As Rick DuBose was elected to the position of assistant general superintendent Aug. 1, the General Presbytery convened in special session to set forward two names for the consideration of the General Council for the unexpired term of general treasurer: Rodney K. Loy and Wilfredo De Jesús. In recognition of the General Presbytery’s recommendations, the Executive Presbytery appointed Wilfredo “Choco” De Jesús to fulfill the vacancy in the role of general treasurer.

As a Pentecostal Fellowship, we depend on and are committed to the leading of the Spirit at all times. We fully affirm the person and the ministry of Rod Loy. His eight years of service as an executive presbyter have been invaluable.

We rejoice with Choco De Jesús on his new appointment as general treasurer-elect. Thank you for joining us as we pray for God’s blessing on Rod Loy’s family and First Assembly North Little Rock, Arkansas as he follows the Spirit’s leading. Also, join us in prayer for Choco De Jesús’ family and New Life Covenant Church as he transitions to this new assignment.

The best days are ahead for the Assemblies of God!

– Executive Presbytery
The General Council of the Assemblies of God