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BGMC Sets a Six-Peat for Record Giving

Giving to Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge continues its upward trajectory.
Six years, six consecutive years of record giving! The Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC) office has announced that the final giving total for BGMC in 2019 was up nearly a half a million dollars over last year’s record amount.

According to David Boyd, national BGMC director, the giving total for 2019 was $8,992,919.24 — only about $7,000 short of breaking $9 million. This is the third time for giving to go over the $8 million mark. In the past five years, there has been a 41% increase in BGMC giving.

“BGMC had another record year as kids across the nation continue to find creative ways to earn funds to fill their barrels and bless our missionaries,” Boyd says. “Just this week, while church folks were entering church, we heard kids playing musical instruments with a barrel out on the table earning donations for BGMC for their musical talent.”

Boyd points out several church and district accomplishments that took place in 2019, first citing the Peninsular Florida district as it has now gone over $1 million in giving to BGMC for four consecutive years. He also noted that eight of the top 15 giving churches in the nation are from the Peninsular Florida district.

“Congratulations to Steve Powell, district executive secretary/BGMC director; Sydney Morrow, district children’s ministries director; Chuck Padgett, district BGMC coordinator; and Tom Manning, district missions director, for their passion and vision for BGMC!” Boyd expressed.

In a statistical run down, Boyd reports that 51 districts are showing long-term BGMC growth and only eight districts are showing long-term decline. Also, 13 of 14 Hispanic districts are ahead in giving compared to 2018 and seven of the top eight districts in five-year growth are Hispanic districts.

The West Florida district was once again the district with highest giving per capita ($17.57) with the Wyoming district seeing 80.56% of its churches participating in BGMC.

“Thank you for all that you do to support missions, to teach your kids about missions, and to sacrifice for the cause of missions,” says Mary Boyd, national BGMC coordinator. “Millions of lives have been touched and won to the kingdom of God because of you, your church, and your kids!”

The Boyds aren’t resting on this record as they look for kids and churches to continue to be sold out for missions.

“Kids are doing chores, baking cookies, making jewelry, mowing lawns, cleaning cars, and pulling weeds for BGMC,” David Boyd says. “Well over 100,000 kids across our nation are earning money for missions and every $10 they give is another million dollars to be used to reach the world for Christ. Missions is on fire in the hearts of our kids.”

Sunday, March 8, is National BGMC Day in the Assemblies of God. To access a detailed breakdown of BGMC giving for 2019, including the top 100 churches in each category and other statistics, click here.

Dan Van Veen

Dan Van Veen is news editor of AG News. Prior to transitioning to AG News in 2001, Van Veen served as managing editor of AG U.S. Missions American Horizon magazine for five years. He attends Central Assembly of God in Springfield, Missouri, where he and his wife, Lori, teach preschool Sunday School and 4- and 5-year-old Rainbows boys and girls on Wednesdays.