BGMC Breaks Record with Over $10.3 Million in Giving
During what could only be called an unconventional year, kids and churches throughout the U.S. Assemblies of God gave to Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC) like never before, crushing the previous record of $8.99 million set in 2019 by well over a million dollars!
“This year kids gave $10,364,453.61 to BGMC to help reach people around the world with the gospel message,” says David Boyd, national BGMC director. “Twenty-six districts had a record year and 41 districts gave more than they did in 2019.”
Boyd says that people keep asking him why BGMC giving has continued to climb, seeing giving more than triple since he and his wife, BGMC Coordinator Mary Boyd, came to the national office in 1998.
“What’s the difference — why the growth?” David Boyd asks rhetorically. “Instead of kids asking their parent for a dollar when they head to church on BGMC Sunday, kids are coming home from BGMC Sunday asking for jobs to do to earn money to fill their barrels . . . they’re learning that people are lost and in great need all around the world. They have heard God speak to them, telling them that they can make a difference — and they are!”
According to the statistical reports, perennial giving leader, the Peninsular-Florida district once again topped the $1 million giving mark with Alabama Ministry Network coming in second with more than $578,000 and Georgia District Council next at over $533,000. The West Florida Ministry Network led in per capita giving ($37.45 per person), followed by the Iowa District Council ($28.94) and Georgia District Council ($21.82).
“Kids are sharing their hearts for the world in person and online, and people are responding to help them with their giving goals,” Boyd says.
In addition to children’s pastors sacrificing their dignity (being slimed), bodies (cream pies in the face), and often their hair (colored or shaved) to help encourage their kids to reach their BGMC goals, Boyd notes that there’s really no limit to the creativity.
A church in Texas created a BGMC bazaar where kids sold food and crafts from around the world, while also sharing highlights of what missionaries were doing in those parts of the world. Another church in South Dakota combined their BGMC and Speed the Light night through a chili cook-off/meal “donation” event, some kids in North Dakota took pledges and hit baseballs as a BGMC fundraiser, and a church in Alabama hosted (and participated in) a kids triathlon for BGMC.
For 2022 and 2023, Boyd says the outlook remains strong for BGMC missions giving with the new two-year theme for BGMC being “Unconventional Sacrifice.”
“That is what God is doing through our kids,” Boyd states. “In unconventional ways, kids are learning to sacrifice their time, talent, and resources as they raise money for missions. Kids are baking cookies, making jewelry, raking leaves, building flower stands, doing chores, painting rocks, and even selling their toys or other belongings in order to help our missionaries. Kids are truly sacrificing on behalf of the Lord.”