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Network211 Reaches 500,000 Mark Through 1-2-1 Connectors

More than half a million people have now engaged with "1-2-1 Connectors" through Network211 sites and received personal responses to their questions.
On March 12, Network211 reached the milestone of making 500,000 discipleship connections — half a million individuals who searched online for answers to a life dilemma, found a Network211 site, and submitted an inquiry.

“Each individual received a response from a Network211 1-2-1 Connector who replied with a personal note addressing what was written, Bible verses, and further online content,” explains Mark Flattery, president of Network211.

As subsequent interactions occurred between 1-2-1 Connectors and inquirers, the Network211 team directed people to a local church. As there are over 67 million Assemblies of God adherents worldwide, there is an AG network of Spirit-filled believers with whom Network211 partners with to see individuals connect with (when possible) a local body of believers.

“We refer to this step as ‘Searches to Churches,’” Flattery says.

The three main statistics that are focal points for Network211 are visits, evangelism responses, and discipleship connections. It is the last figure that is the heart of the ministry. Network211 interacts with individuals at their point of need, shares the love of Christ, and joins them on their spiritual life journey.

“As technology advances, people are more connected with others than ever before,” Flattery states. “Yet, communication tools, such as the internet, have not brought individuals closer together, instead they have proven to isolate people from actual physical interaction — people feel increasingly isolated and lonely. When people discover a Network211 site that provides the hope of Jesus Christ, they respond readily with the matters of their hearts because they feel that someone cares enough to interact with them.”

Flattery observes that the internet provides a sense of anonymity and security.

“People pour out their hearts precisely because they do not know the person who responds,” he says. “In fact, one woman wrote Network211, ‘Because I don’t know you, I feel that I can trust you.’”

According to Flattery, Network211 has received messages of all kinds.

“Some wrote to us to say that the video and article spoke to their hearts, and they understand that they need Jesus,” he recalls. “Others wrote about how desperate their lives were and that they wanted to commit suicide. Thousands of people requested prayer for physical healing or restoration of marriages. And so many wrote that they wanted to recommit their lives back to God.”

People responded to Network211 online by writing from nations large and small; those that allow the gospel and those closed to traditional efforts within its borders. Google reported that Network211 received responses from every nation and territory that has internet access.

While so many online sites use artificial intelligence (AI) to provide responses, The Network211 1-2-1 Connectors consider it a privilege to share the good news, connect people with Jesus, and join them on their spiritual journey.

“The Connectors pray with people, share God’s Word with them, cry with them, laugh with them, and bring them closer to Jesus,” Flattery says. “They view their involvement as frontline evangelism and spiritual care in the virtual world . . . there are some who believe AI can provide a response that is written better than a 1-2-1 Connector, but AI is controlled by algorithms; our Connectors are guided by the power of the Holy Spirit!”

To learn more, visit Network211.com and JourneyOnline.org. Network211 is an AGWM International Ministries ministry.