Six Last Supper Lessons
Executive Presbyter Saturnino González detailed six important lessons Jesus communicated to his disciples at the Last Supper as General Council attendees reflected on the first Communion Wednesday morning.
González is pastor of Iglesia El Calvario in Orlando and superintendent of the AG Florida Multicultural District. He also serves as the east Spanish language area executive presbyter.
Citing chapters 13-17 of the Gospel of John, González said the first lesson Jesus taught during the meal was that the Church should be known by its service, not by titles. Jesus illustrated this lesson by breaking the formal protocol of the Passover dinner and leaving the table to wash the disciples' feet.
"It is good, at times, for the Church to leave the table and deal with the dirt that is out there in the world," González said. "If the Church is to leave an imprint, it won't be in formality or titles. We need a Church that is willing to leave the table and go out."
The second lesson: Operate within an assured heart rather than a troubled heart. In John 14:1, Jesus told the disciples, "Let not your hearts be troubled." González urged believers to have faith in Jesus' return, allowing the knowledge of His coming to be a sufficient source of hope amidst opposition from the world.
"We need to trust God in the crises of this nation," González said. "We cannot function with a troubled heart, but we must function with an assured heart, knowing God is in control of history."
Lesson three: Desire a permanent presence rather than a short-term rescue. González encouraged attendees to rely on the presence of the Holy Spirit, who is constantly available to assist and encourage Christians and reveal God's glory.
"When you operate in the Holy Spirit, you open a door for God to move in a mighty way that you have never seen," González said.
The fourth lesson urges believers to be fruitful rather than ornamental. González called for Christ's followers to stay connected to Jesus and His mission, prioritizing the spread of the gospel.
"We can have great buildings and programs, but if we're not fulfilling God's plan, it's all ornamental," González said. "A church must be evangelistic, compassionate, and led by the Spirit."
Again in John 16, Jesus emphasizes the necessity of the Holy Spirit. The fifth lesson Jesus communicated, González said, is to allow divine assistance rather than natural insights.
"The Holy Spirit will complete the teachings of Jesus, guide us into truth, and glorify Christ," he said.
The last lesson from John's account of the Last Supper is to offer prayers of gratitude rather than expressions of distress. Jesus ended the meal with a prayer that included praise, worship, and glorification of the Father.
"Jesus prayed that God would be glorified," González said. "He prayed for God's purpose to be fulfilled, that He would finish the task God had given Him. He prayed for others, and He prayed for the coming harvest."
Following the sermon, General Superintendent George O. Wood and the rest of the Executive Leadership Team recognized AG ministers and leaders who died during the previous two years. Leaders served communion and prayed for the families of the deceased.