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Statement on Dallas Tragedy


Statement on Dallas Tragedy

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EDITOR'S NOTE: This statement was received from Assemblies of God general superintendent, Dr. George O. Wood. 

I, along with Assemblies of God adherents throughout our nation, am feeling a profound sense of horror and heartbreak at the senseless targeting and killing of Dallas police officers by snipers. The incident which included 12 police officers being shot and at least five murdered, appears to be the worst law enforcement tragedy in at least 15 years.

The gospel of Christ is a gospel of reconciliation, not retaliation. In the Beatitudes, Jesus proclaimed that peacemakers will be blessed. Loving peace and making peace are not the same. Making peace requires action.

In his statement to media this morning, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said with emotion, “We don’t feel support most days. Let’s not make today most days.”

I would challenge Assemblies of God ministers and churches today to reach out to local law enforcement with a gesture of gratitude, support, and prayer. In light of this tragedy, may we also pray today for these needs:

  • Pray for the families of those slain in the line of duty
  • Pray for the healing and recovery of those injured in last night’s attacks
  • Pray for the safety and comfort of law enforcement officers throughout our nation
  • Pray for peace and healing throughout our nation 

(AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

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