Bee the Light for Speed the Light

In 2016, when Bryce was 16, his grandfather mentioned to him that he was looking into more options of things to do on his farm, which was just a few miles away. Since Bryce had been expressing an interest in bees, he suggested establishing some hives, which would be good for the farm and provide honey.
“I remember thinking to myself,” Bryce recalls, “What will I do with the honey? Oh, I know, I’ll use it for Speed the Light.”
Rodney, Bryce’s father, is the Kentucky Ministries Network’s DYD (district youth director), living in Louisville. He quickly admits that he and Bryce are not professional beekeepers. They got started with one hive after seeing a swarm of bees. Currently they have three producing hives, with a fourth available. They also express thanks for Rodney’s father, Glenn, “buying in” to the vision and providing the beekeeping gear.
This spring, the duo harvested 19 pints of clover honey mostly from two of the hives, with the third not producing as well.
But when they offered the honey for sale, it was quickly snapped up. Dozens of people, learning of the “Bee the Light” honey, posted to Rodney’s Facebook page about wanting some — often requesting multiple jars — and asking to be put down for the next batch, which could be ready by mid-summer.
“I think we could have sold 50 pints, if we had it,” Rodney says, laughing about the unexpectedly strong response. “People (who bought the honey) were very generous in their giving, one person gave $150 for just a few pints of honey. We raised at least a few hundred dollars for Speed the Light.”
Rodney, who attends Trinity Chapel AG in Louisville with his family, encourages his sons and other teens in their efforts to raise funds for STL by helping them to understand that when they’re passionate for what God cares about the most — the lost — adults will get behind them and support them.
Even though Bryce has technically “aged-out” of youth, now that he’s 20, he’s committed to seeing the honey benefit missionaries through STL.
Rodney adds that he’s been impressed with how Bryce has often sacrificed for missions, giving up birthday and Christmas money through the years to participate in missions trips and support Speed the Light. But Bryce offers students some insight to his experiences.
“Instead of sacrificing a gift someone else gave me, it lit a fire under me to pursue missions in life when I found something that was mine,” he says. “Even if it’s mowing lawns, having something that is your own is important and I believe brings a much stronger passion for ministry as well.”
Bryce, who is now completing his sophomore year at Evangel University, is studying to teach sustainable agriculture and economics in developing countries. He doesn’t currently see himself becoming a career missionary, but instead using his skills to teach and his life to draw people to Christ.
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