Businesswoman's investment gives rise to ministry to single moms.
Feb 23, 2018, By Darla Knoth
Following grief of miscarriage, Rachel Barkley's musical projects benefit pregnancy care center in the Texas capital.
Apr 08, 2015, By Deann Alford
A onetime sex worker without self-worth finds a purpose in serving God.
Nov 09, 2016, By Patti Townley-Covert
Susan Ross, wife of Rick Ross, newly appointed general treasurer for the Assemblies of God, shares her heart on the importance of mothers.
May 10, 2024, By AG News
When AG General Secretary Donna Barrett was surprised by a fast-moving cancer, she came face to face with her own mortality and grew to have a fuller understanding of what it means to say, "My life is in God's hands."
Aug 05, 2024, By Donna Barrett
Harold Lee, the founder of Promise Treasures and producer of "His Life -- The Musical," was awarded the General Superintendent's Medal of Honor.
Aug 06, 2015, By AG News
A recorder and collector of AG history, Wayne Warner, the Assemblies of God's first full-time archivist, died Saturday.
Jan 17, 2024, By AG News
Huldah Buntain, who ministered to the disadvantaged poor in India and established Calcutta Mercy with her husband, Mark, has died.
Jul 16, 2021, By AGWM Communications
Emma Rose Ravish became a first-time Paralympian at Tokyo 2020, but it was her God-serving parents, who adopted her as an infant born without legs, that made it possible.
Sep 14, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
She was a single woman in her forties, but she responded to God's call and as a result laid a foundation for today's ongoing revival in Argentina.
May 27, 2021, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
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