April Riley, wife of U.S. Navy Chaplain Matt Riley, discovered that some of her major plans for her life and God's plans for her life weren't the same things.
Sep 14, 2016, By Darla Knoth
Take advantage of early registration rates for the AG Kidmin Conference to be held April 11-13, 2018, in Springfield, Missouri.
Oct 12, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
A unique parade of vehicles in 1967 provided a demonstration of what was being accomplished by AG youth through Speed the Light.
Apr 28, 2022, By Glenn W. Gohr
Missionaries Don and Sharon Kiser were young, had little experience, and even less financial support, but God used them to minister to migrant workers like few others could.
Apr 21, 2022, By Darrin J. Rodgers
God answered Ralph Darby Williams' prayer for more missionaries in El Salvador by revealing how the missionaries were already there.
Apr 14, 2022, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
Agnes Beckdahl, one of the first Pentecostal evangelists to a number of European countries, also served 50 years as missionary with her husband, Christian, to Northern India.
Apr 07, 2022, By Glenn W. Gohr
An award-winning artist, Native American Charlie Lee chose instead to become an AG minister and witness God take messed up lives and turn them into masterpieces for His glory.
Apr 21, 2016, By Darrin J. Rodgers
Reports of revival breaking out at two AG colleges was exciting news in this historic edition of the Pentecostal Evangel!
Apr 07, 2016, By Darrin J. Rodgers
F.M. Lehman, a former Nazarene preacher, became one of the greatest songwriters in the Assemblies of God.
Apr 04, 2024, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
Fifty years ago, when the SAGU American Indian College dedicated its current site in Phoenix , the new campus was little more than a vision — two years later, it was a reality.
Apr 26, 2018, By Glenn W. Gohr
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