Correctional chaplain grounded by COVID-19 restrictions finds a new venue.
Sep 23, 2020, By Mary J Yerkes
In retirement, chaplain John Houser takes a new ministry track as a sports chaplain.
Aug 19, 2019, By John W. Kennedy
When award-winning singer Barbara “Kip” Hoosier lost part of her tongue to cancer, she refused to let the prognosis that she never would sing again be the final word.
Apr 20, 2016, By Ginger Kolbaba
Barbara Miller creates birthday cards for COMPACT kids with a once-amputated hand.
Sep 27, 2021, By John W. Kennedy
Grant provides connections for AG women and ethnic minorities to like-minded pastors.
Nov 30, 2022, By John W. Kennedy
Emily Hauser, an AG U.S. missionary, is building the Smoky Mountain Dream Center for women and children to find freedom, flourish, and follow God-given dreams for their futures.
Feb 08, 2022, By George P. Wood
New Hampshire couple prepare to launch after overcoming multiple health issues.
Dec 08, 2022, By John W. Kennedy
New motion picture explains football hero’s drive to succeed came from his faith in God.
Aug 24, 2016, By Kenneth C. Walker
Upcoming movie will let the nation know about the late Brandon Burlsworth.
Feb 05, 2016, By Kenneth C. Walker
As the popular East Tennessee tourist destination is left with mass destruction by wildfires, churches and ministries respond.
Dec 01, 2016, By Mark Forrester
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