Calvary Church (AG), Naperville, Illinois, claimed its fifth national Junior Bible Quiz Title at the 2016 National JBQ Festival held in Kansas City June 9-11.
Jun 20, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
Bob and Bonnie Mackish's ministry in Eastern Europe grew beyond their imaginations to impact countless lives as God kept opening doors of opportunity to them.
Oct 10, 2024, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
Lee Krupnick was a Jew who hated Jesus, but through the prayers of his wife, Bonnie, and a miraculous healing he accepted Christ and the couple became well-known AG evangelists.
Aug 05, 2021, By Glenn W. Gohr
The Bible quiz team from Radiant Life Church of Dublin, Ohio, secured the title after just three days of quizzing at the 61st national finals held in Dallas last week.
Jul 10, 2024, By Robert Carter
U.S. missionary Felix Halpern wants to equip churches to build bridges.
Oct 08, 2018, By Joel Kilpatrick
It took some years for River of Life Church congregation to heal from a painful church split, but now they had to restore the church's health.
Jul 11, 2018, By AGTrust
Satise Roddy responds to a new calling in Minnesota.
Feb 25, 2021, By Cynthia J Thomas
Calvary Church of Naperville, Illinois, claimed its sixth national title at the National Junior Bible Quiz Festival held June 10-12 in Lee's Summit, Missouri.
Jun 18, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
The general superintendent's medal of honor was awarded on Friday during business.
Aug 05, 2023, By Ashley B. Grant
When Tim Olson took compassion on a Nicaraguan girl through Latin America ChildCare, he had no idea he would become a father figure to walk her down the aisle at her wedding nearly a decade later.
Dec 09, 2015, By Ginger Kolbaba
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