Suffering damage from two tornadoes this spring, an Oklahoma city is being loved back to health by Barnsdall Assembly of God.
Jun 26, 2024, By Kristel Zelaya
A source of inspiration for many, Brenda Roever passed away early Friday morning.
Mar 02, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
Pastor and his family live in Oklahoma church for over two years to keep Barnsdall Assembly of God going.
Nov 16, 2021, By Guyla Armstrong
Brenda Lillie, a career missionary, uses theater to capture the interest of people in the Netherlands and then present the gospel to them.
Sep 19, 2018, By Alice Horne
Longtime motorcycle chaplains David and Brenda Pantleo expand their ministry.
May 25, 2021, By Cynthia J Thomas
Despite two types of cancer, Brenda Castaldo perseveres with a culinary calling to service others.
Jun 25, 2019, By Mary J Yerkes
AG U.S. Missions motorcycle chaplain couple, Dave and Brenda Pantelo, heard of a need at a veterans facility — and met it!
Dec 21, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
Since its first year, Grand Rapids First's GoServe ministry has distributed $8.7 million worth of goods.
Oct 08, 2024, By John W. Kennedy
Chaplain Paul McCullough forms ministry connections throughout various venues in Willmar, Minnesota.
Oct 26, 2018, By John W. Kennedy
The Acts 2 Journey helped Discovery Church establish a direction and a vision for reaching people for Christ in their community that is unusual, but effective.
Nov 27, 2018, By AGTrust
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