New Colorado Hispanic congregations pledge to support AGWM.
Mar 05, 2018, By Rebecca Burtram
Those planning on experiencing Anaheim — on a budget — as part of their General Council trip, won't want to miss this!
Jan 18, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
Impromptu road trip links Bible students to history of AG’s global fellowship.
Aug 29, 2017, By Deann Alford
Contractor Eli Simental responds to a call to build up families.
Dec 01, 2020, By Deann Alford
Ministry leader Maricela Hernandez meets needs near the Rio Grande.
Sep 08, 2015, By Deann Alford
Urban Strategies is bringing transformation by partnering with nearly 500 churches to meet needs in under-resourced communities throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico, and Central America.
Nov 13, 2019, By Deann Alford
Marking the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the Assemblies of God remembers the suffering, the relief and rebuilding efforts, and how God has turned fear into faith.
Aug 28, 2015, By Dan Van Veen
Church growth traced to miracle after giving away funds.
Sep 14, 2018, By Jeff Chaves
Jesus called himself the light of the world -- but the original meaning goes much deeper than it appears!
Aug 23, 2017, By Wave Nunnally
What did Jesus really mean in Matthew 5:14 when He said, "You are the light of the world"?
Sep 13, 2017, By Wave Nunnally
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