She may not have been as well known as her husband Henry, but Ruth Garlock's commitment to God and her passion for missions was second to none.
Nov 20, 2017, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
Along with love, healthy marriages require commitment and faithfulness.
Feb 14, 2020, By Richard Champion
Three reasons for committing to your local congregation through church membership.
Oct 01, 2019, By Larry Griswold
For Grandma Kay Bynum, life hasn't always been easy, but God has always been faithful.
Jan 11, 2018, By Dan Van Veen
Struggling with the question of why God was allowing so much pain in his life despite his best efforts to serve Him, Greg Davis found his answer already written out in God's Word.
Nov 08, 2022, By Greg Davis
The Peninsular Florida District Council, which broke a record for giving to Light for the Lost last year, has committed to exceed that record in 2022.
May 27, 2022, By Dan Kersten
AG World Prayer Center Director Joe Oden discusses America's need for revival and the danger of becoming a prayerless nation.
Apr 10, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
Native American pastor in Montana stays faithful during COVID-19.
Feb 19, 2021, By Rachel Ellis
Survey reveals the fruit of the Spirit more evident among those who regularly engage with God’s Word.
Dec 09, 2021, By Rick DuBose
What makes the Assemblies of God so appealing? Dr. Alan Ehler, Dean of the College of Christian Ministries at Southeastern University (AG), shares his perspective.
Feb 18, 2016, By Alan Ehler
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