Despite suffering losses due to Hurricane Ian, the congregation of Skyline Church in Cape Coral, Florida, is looking to the needs of their community first.
Oct 25, 2022, By Dan Van Veen
The U.S. Missions Chaplaincy's 461 Response program's attention to the emotional and spiritual health of those experiencing a critical incident in their lives, sets it apart from other programs.
May 22, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
Pastor Joe Furjanic and team members of The Block Church, an 8-month-old church plant in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia, provided supplies to first responders and victims of the Amtrak derailment that took place on May 12.
May 19, 2015, By Dan Van Veen
Network211, an AGWM international ministry, recently exceeded 3 million evangelism responses and 57 million gospel presentations as it shares God's Word and compassion online in multiple languages around the world.
Feb 09, 2024, By AG News
Wisconsin church’s disaster response team mobilizes with drive-through grocery giveaway.
Apr 09, 2020, By John W. Kennedy
How is the Church responding in compassion and proclaiming Christ when confronted with a natural disaster in a country opposed to Christianity?
Apr 18, 2024, By AGWM Communications
When flooding devastated a community, a California church partnered with a local agency and created a new model for disaster relief.
Oct 23, 2023, By Haley Victory Smith
From a 1-6 win-loss record to the state championship title, a group of boys from a small Oklahoma town are proving that, with God, anything is possible.
Dec 26, 2023, By Sherri Langton
Journey Church Kenosha saturates the city with service projects, sewing seeds of goodwill and teaching teens the importance of demonstrating faith in action.
Jul 26, 2019, By Rebecca Burtram
Minnesota Pastor Dustin McCaleb volunteers for the local fire department in a tangible effort to build relationships.
May 14, 2015, By Kara Chase
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