He wasn't supposed to survive, much less fully recover, but God disagreed.
Jan 27, 2020, By Dan Van Veen
Hospital chaplain Deborah Damore finds innovative ways to minister to patients during COVID-19 crisis.
Jun 02, 2020, By Peter K. Johnson
AG U.S. missionary serves ethnic church planters and pastors in one of the country’s most culturally diverse cities.
Jul 15, 2024, By Peter K. Johnson
Missionary finds plenty of opportunities partnering with New York ethnic churches.
Sep 13, 2018, By Peter K. Johnson
Launching a Dream Center during the pandemic: 19 beds and counting.
Mar 31, 2021, By Paul K Logsdon
An encouraging word about God's love and concern for moms.
May 07, 2021, By Darla Knoth
A question-and-answer look at what it takes to reach people for Christ in highly secularized Europe and how that translates to reaching people in the United States.
Jun 02, 2023, By Influence Magazine
SAGU AIC continues to fill a vital role in equipping Native Americans for leadership in churches, schools, and the marketplace.
Nov 28, 2017, By Deann Alford
Stripper-turned-evangelist takes her redemption message to the airwaves.
Jun 01, 2017, By Deann Alford
The reality of escalating student loan obligations is causing many Americans financial angst.
Jan 02, 2017, By John W. Kennedy
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