Scholarship for missionary kids at North Central University renamed in honor of Micah Pennington (1997-2020).
Apr 01, 2021, By Rachel Ellis
Responding to unexpected trials and tragedies.
Mar 12, 2019, By Keith Surface
Northwest University faculty member Ashley Ott has a heart for foreign mission efforts.
Jan 23, 2023, By John W. Kennedy
In her 70s, instead of retiring, Ruth Myvett is re-fired with the Holy Spirit and is accomplishing more in her ministry than she ever thought possible.
Aug 24, 2023, By Ashley B. Grant
Despite surviving cancer and other tragedies, Steve Lopez always sports a smile.
Mar 20, 2023, By John W. Kennedy
15 years after nearly dying, Joe Kenna and his wife, Mari, minister to troubled married couples.
Jul 29, 2019, By John W. Kennedy
Longtime wheelchair-bound youth pastor now strolls miles every day.
Apr 30, 2019, By Mary J Yerkes
Prisoners who accept Christ behind bars need mentoring if they are to stay on the outside.
Oct 03, 2019, By John W. Kennedy
It’s easy to define ministry as the public roles . . . But sometimes God calls His people to serve one individual. That person may be an aging parent, a disabled spouse, or an ill child.
Jun 10, 2019, By Dilla Dawson
CityReach Bangor (Maine) is reaching out to drug addicts and seeing God transform lives!
Dec 08, 2015, By Amber Weigand-Buckley
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