Colorado State University (CSU) Chi Alpha staff and student leaders are impacting the CSU campus by sharing their personal testimonies and Scripture from a tree stump in the middle of the campus' main plaza - and seeing good results.
May 11, 2015, By Dan Van Veen
Staples Assembly of God averages fewer than 60 people on Sundays, but by giving God the opportunity to work, they raise tens of thousands of dollars for missions every year.
Apr 17, 2018, By Dan Van Veen
Nehemiah Manufacturing in Cincinnati hires a loyal workforce predominantly from those who have served time in prison, been chronically homeless, or those long addicted to substances.
Jun 09, 2020, By John W. Kennedy
Hooked on drugs and living out of his car, Dr. Howard Thomas had lost nearly everything . . . and then he met Jesus!
May 02, 2024, By Darrin J. Rodgers
Army veteran finds grace, acceptance, camaraderie at SAGU.
Feb 10, 2020, By Deann Alford
Colorado university students reconciled to Christ.
Jul 07, 2023, By Samara Smyer
A biblical response to moral transgressions and the power of restoration.
May 17, 2022, By Doug Clay
General Superintendent Doug Clay urges the Church to readiness at the possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned.
May 06, 2022, By Doug Clay
Q & A: NextGen and the Holy Spirit
May 25, 2023, By AG News Staff
In an era when many families struggle even to eat a meal in the same room, prioritizing time together is always worth the effort.
Aug 26, 2024, By James T. Bradford
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