Evangelist Emily Oakley shares her testimony and the importance of staying grounded in Christ.
Jan 02, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
In times of uncertainly, Christians have an eternal hope as we view current events through the lenses of Scripture.
Nov 27, 2023, By Ashley B. Grant
Executive presbyters Bradley Trask and Rob Ketterling share their insights on the importance of a healthy environment for the cultivation of spiritual growth.
Feb 08, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
A conversation on healthy social media consumption and godly engagement.
Apr 03, 2024, By Sherri Langton
Joe Oden, national prayer and evangelism director, and Tim Enloe, national evangelists’ representative, share on the importance of the ministry office of the evangelist and the call of all believers to evangelism.
Sep 25, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
Here are 10 encouragements for believers to make the Bible a priority in their lives.
Dec 08, 2023, By Charles T. Crabtree
What makes the Assemblies of God so appealing? Dr. Alan Ehler, Dean of the College of Christian Ministries at Southeastern University (AG), shares his perspective.
Feb 18, 2016, By Alan Ehler
Gleanings for Christians from the Jewish Festival of Lights.
Dec 15, 2022, By Carol Calise
A passage in Numbers 6 known as the "Priestly Blessing/Benediction" is a blessing spoken at the conclusion of many church services, but what does it really mean?
Jul 11, 2023, By Amy Flattery
Allen Tennison discusses the rich Pentecostal distinctive of baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Sep 13, 2024, By Allen Tennison
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