Pastor Loren and Linda Hicks took their church on the Acts 2 Journey and found that some hard decisions had to be made in order to stay on the path God had for the church.
Jul 06, 2016, By Amber Weigand-Buckley
The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, is for real — and so is the response of the Church!
Mar 09, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
Ministry leaders gather to discuss how to grow the Fellowship.
Aug 04, 2021, By John W. Kennedy
Jodi Detrick, an ordained AG minister, shares about her ongoing experience with her loss of sight and how such challenging times help Christians come to more fully understand "walking by faith."
Jun 25, 2024, By Jodi Detrick
A retired AG pastor plants the first fruitful church on sparsely populated island in the Florida Keys.
Mar 10, 2016, By Peter K. Johnson
What started with the Holy Spirit compelling a missionary to raise funds for a Bible translation in the Akebu language has led to three churches being built for the Akebu people in Togo, Africa.
Feb 07, 2017, By Kristel Zelaya
Most evangelicals (96%) recall multiple influences in their decision for Christ, with the average respondent citing 3.4 different factors.
Sep 16, 2024, By Ron Sellers
Survey reveals the fruit of the Spirit more evident among those who regularly engage with God’s Word.
Dec 09, 2021, By Rick DuBose
Life will get discouraging and difficult at times, but as the Psalmist wrote, God is an ever-present help in times of trouble.
Aug 19, 2024, By Doug Clay
General Superintendent Doug Clay shares how God's character sustains us amid life's challenges.
Jul 30, 2024, By Doug Clay
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