Jodi Detrick, an ordained AG minister, shares about her ongoing experience with her loss of sight and how such challenging times help Christians come to more fully understand "walking by faith."
Jun 25, 2024, By Jodi Detrick
Surviving cancer in childhood shapes first-year college student Tory Cortese.
Aug 05, 2016, By Darla Knoth
Pregnancy care centers across the nation are providing a myriad of practical resources and programs to help expectant mothers and new mothers.
Jun 03, 2019, By Cindi Boston
Life will get discouraging and difficult at times, but as the Psalmist wrote, God is an ever-present help in times of trouble.
Aug 19, 2024, By Doug Clay
The recent presentation of the Nepali Full Life Study Bible/Fire Bible to ministers and church leaders in Nepal also marks the Fire Bible's 45th translation!
Jul 25, 2017, By AGWM Communications
She attended church faithfully every Sunday, but her life outside of church was on the other end of the spectrum.
Apr 05, 2019, By Dan Van Veen
Jim Lloyd Davis is flying across the U.S. to spread his cancer survival story.
Jun 25, 2015, By Kenneth C. Walker
Tragedy at any level can lead to people questioning God's goodness and love.
Apr 26, 2024, By David Porter
Rod and Lisa Kilsdonk were happy in their small Montana hometown, but then God placed a call to ministry upon their lives — rearranging their entire world.
Oct 02, 2024, By Rod Kilsdonk with Lisa Kilsdonk
Life and ministry in Syria isn't what most people have an opportunity to see or hear about in the news . . . and then, sometimes, it is.
Aug 27, 2024, By Dick Brogden and Lisa Wright
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