God could have led Abraham to settle anywhere, so why did He choose the location we now know as Israel?
Jun 06, 2016, By Marc Turnage
A passage in Numbers 6 known as the "Priestly Blessing/Benediction" is a blessing spoken at the conclusion of many church services, but what does it really mean?
Jul 11, 2023, By Amy Flattery
Three places Christians should look to find meaning and purpose in their lives.
Jul 07, 2021, By Jeff Gray
General Superintendent Doug Clay shares about the life-changing realities of the resurrection of Jesus.
Apr 01, 2021, By Doug Clay
Dr. Carol Taylor, Evangel University president, provides an update on Evangel University and the recent restructuring of AG Theological Seminary's leadership hierarchy.
Jun 30, 2017, By Carol Taylor
A historic San Diego church looks to retool to meet the changing neighborhood needs.
Apr 06, 2017, By John W. Kennedy
Jesus' family, especially Joseph, had a significant impact on Jesus' young life and future ministry.
Dec 19, 2014, By Marc Turnage
General Superintendent Doug Clay shares insights to why sharing the gospel is vital and how to share that message effectively.
Jul 30, 2021, By Doug Clay
General Superintendent Doug Clay shares some devotional thoughts for Easter.
Apr 14, 2022, By Doug Clay
Memorial Day: take time to remember.
May 26, 2023, By Keith Surface
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