AG Gypsy minister fills unique niche in evangelizing her culture nationwide.
Jan 10, 2017, By Deann Alford
Missionaries continue to evangelize and disciple, despite the challenges of COVID-19
Apr 22, 2020, By Kristel Zelaya
The Roma people — Gypsies — are coming to Christ "in droves" and their lives are being transformed.
Aug 26, 2020, By Kristel Zelaya
Missionary Leonard Bolton sacrificed much, but his love for God and the Lisu people in China enabled him to persevere and establish a strong Pentecostal church.
Dec 15, 2022, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
Befriending recent immigrant and refugee arrivals opens the door for ministry to share the gospel.
Jul 26, 2016, By Ian Richardson
Assemblies of God executive leaders call for prayer following the latest terrorist attack in France.
Jul 15, 2016, By Kristel Zelaya
Teen ministries are not the norm in Romanian churches, but AGWM missionaries J.J. and Nelia Ferrell have discovered that Romanian teens respond readily to the gospel of Christ.
Nov 05, 2019, By Kristel Zelaya
After a childhood that included stays in abusive foster homes and entering seven drug rehabilitation programs, Teen Challenge graduate Quianna Zaetz is preparing for ministry.
Oct 30, 2019, By John W. Kennedy
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God operated on Joseph Wannenmacher's diseased body, transforming him physically and spiritually.
Oct 31, 2024, By Darrin J. Rodgers
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