Missionary to Egypt H.E. Randall, a little-known, but powerful influencer for Christ in his own right, helped prepare the way for such Pentecostal leaders as Aimee Semple McPherson and Lillian Trasher.
Mar 17, 2022, By Glenn W. Gohr
When Chad Harvey, who formerly subscribed to cessationist theology, was baptized with the Holy Spirit, he began to build bridges for others who were hesitant towards Pentecostal beliefs.
May 17, 2024, By Deann Alford
Small New Mexico church blesses half a dozen school districts in trio of states.
Mar 16, 2018, By Rebecca Burtram
Women lead pastors share stories of common struggles.
Aug 05, 2021, By John W. Kennedy
First Assembly in Memphis, Tennessee, already had a rich heritage by the 1950s, due in part to its pastors, including James E. Hamill.
Jan 28, 2021, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
Nearly 36 years ago, Kristi made the difficult decision to give her baby up for adoption, writing out her prayerful desires for her child's future . . . recently, God revealed His answer to her prayer.
Jan 08, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
An emphasis on the Holy Spirit and missions work fuels growth for congregation in Oregon's capital.
Nov 09, 2015, By Robert E. Mims
Leaders of eight Pentecostal denominations unite in prayer at the site of a national tragedy.
Feb 28, 2017, By Mark Forrester
Brandon Sims keeps his vision of sharing the gospel.
Oct 20, 2017, By Ashley B. Grant
Egyptian evangelist Marsha Mansour wants church to change society.
Feb 07, 2020, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
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