Missionary to Egypt H.E. Randall, a little-known, but powerful influencer for Christ in his own right, helped prepare the way for such Pentecostal leaders as Aimee Semple McPherson and Lillian Trasher.
Mar 17, 2022, By Glenn W. Gohr
Oklahoma City Pastor Herbert Cooper told a combined youth and adult congregation in the Thursday night General Council service to search and keep on searching for “one more” lost person.
Aug 07, 2009, By Mel Surface
Evangelist Emily Oakley shares her testimony and the importance of staying grounded in Christ.
Jan 02, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
In times of uncertainly, Christians have an eternal hope as we view current events through the lenses of Scripture.
Nov 27, 2023, By Ashley B. Grant
The highest calling of a believer in times of crisis is to pray. These prayer points can assist you in praying for Israel.
Oct 27, 2023, By AG News
Executive presbyters Bradley Trask and Rob Ketterling share their insights on the importance of a healthy environment for the cultivation of spiritual growth.
Feb 08, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
AG World Prayer Center Director Joe Oden discusses America's need for revival and the danger of becoming a prayerless nation.
Apr 10, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
A conversation on healthy social media consumption and godly engagement.
Apr 03, 2024, By Sherri Langton
When Chad Harvey, who formerly subscribed to cessationist theology, was baptized with the Holy Spirit, he began to build bridges for others who were hesitant towards Pentecostal beliefs.
May 17, 2024, By Deann Alford
F.M. Lehman, a former Nazarene preacher, became one of the greatest songwriters in the Assemblies of God.
Apr 04, 2024, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
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