A Wyoming pastor conducts discipleship and counseling while fishing, reaching many who are hesitant to step inside a church building.
Aug 07, 2024, By Kenneth C. Walker
Youth Alive students led outreaches in five Wyoming cities as they partnered with local churches to reach the communities' youth.
Aug 28, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
Wyoming church goes all out in trips to foreign fields and in supporting missionaries financially.
Apr 01, 2015, By Gail Wood
In a community familiar with church division, Douglas Assembly devoted itself to unity and brought healing to its beloved former pastor and his family in one of their darkest times.
Nov 01, 2023, By Haley Victory Smith
Surviving a massive heart attack and then receiving two transplants transforms Nebraska man in multiple ways.
May 13, 2020, By Tammy Real McKeighan
Whatever circumstances you find yourself in, searching for opportunities to thank God brings peace.
Nov 24, 2016, By Ken Horn
Chaplains Scott and Stephanie Crowell walked out of their home and into a scene of tragedy and death, but as prayers went up, the Comforter made His presence known.
Nov 04, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
She was in Central Asia in a poorly equipped hospital far from home — the cost of life-flighting her to a quality hospital out of reach — and then God moved the heart of a businessman thousands of miles away.
Feb 20, 2024, By Larry Hall
Condolences offered and prayers sought following the killing of a young AG couple by a gang in Haiti.
Jun 04, 2024, By AGWM Communications
A spiritual awakening enlivens the downtown of California’s capital.
Mar 19, 2018, By Joel Kilpatrick
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