Sarah Johnson believes physical fitness is the key to functioning well in multiple areas.
Feb 05, 2021, By Ginger Kolbaba
Three ways living a life of worship to God can influence our children.
Jun 16, 2023, By Dan Kersten
Susan Ross, wife of Rick Ross, newly appointed general treasurer for the Assemblies of God, shares her heart on the importance of mothers.
May 10, 2024, By AG News
A couple who prays together invites the presence of God into their marriage and their daily family life.
Aug 21, 2023, By James T. Bradford
Though forgiveness is close to the heart of God, it can be a struggle to forgive. A better understanding of what forgiveness is, what it isn't, and what it does for those who offer it, can help in showing mercy to others.
Dec 07, 2023, By Christina Quick with George P. Wood
Sue Schlesman minimized her grief and developed a distorted view of God as detached, but a chance click on an online video ultimately led her to learn how God was walking with her and drawing her to Him every step of the way.
Apr 12, 2024, By Sue Schlesman
The opening session of the Influence Conference struck a chord with ministers and other guests as speakers made themselves vulnerable to communicate heartfelt messages.
Aug 01, 2023, By Dan Van Veen
John Lindell and Robert Madu led off the opening General Session of the Influence Conference with messages on grace and the miracle on the other side of offense.
Aug 01, 2019, By Dan Van Veen
"God's promises are true and His mission is alive and well."
May 31, 2024, By Christina Quick
Church leader, business owner mentors others in their relationship with Christ after being discipled by local pastor.
Apr 29, 2024, By Eric Tiansay
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