Jodi Detrick, an ordained AG minister, shares about her ongoing experience with her loss of sight and how such challenging times help Christians come to more fully understand "walking by faith."
Jun 25, 2024, By Jodi Detrick
In a world of conflicting messages, who can we trust?
Feb 24, 2021, By Jodi Detrick
New Network of Women Ministers leader Crystal Martin seeks to provide additional training and encouragement.
Feb 14, 2018, By John W. Kennedy
Hundreds of ministry wives gather for encouragement.
Aug 04, 2015, By Darla Knoth
Women in ministry encouraged in their calling.
Aug 06, 2015, By Darla Knoth
James Croone’s amazing turnaround from a life of destruction.
Mar 08, 2021, By Peter K. Johnson
Native Alabaman Joseph Castleberry strives to rectify ethnic injustice.
Oct 21, 2021, By John W. Kennedy
Most people, when imagining the tomb of Jesus, envision a large wheel-shaped stone, but archeology and even the Gospels seem to point to a different image.
Apr 12, 2020, By Jeremy Stein
Pastor decides not to live in fear, even though police never apprehended his would-be killer.
Dec 07, 2020, By John W. Kennedy
Despite his quadriplegia, Mark Grantham leads a life full of faith and action.
Aug 03, 2020, By John W. Kennedy
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