Facultad de Teología meets the higher education needs of current and future ministry leaders.
Oct 22, 2018, By John W. Kennedy
Latin American Bible Institute College partnered with two other schools and has received a multimillion-dollar grant to assist Hispanic students in attaining a ministry degree.
Oct 17, 2022, By AG News
Founded to equip Lumbee Indians, the AG school in North Carolina is now multiethnic.
Jan 31, 2018, By Deann Alford
Leaders are witnessing a move of God among the churched and unchurched youth attending an American Indian camp in Montana.
Oct 01, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
During World War II, the Assemblies of God made a great effort to get Spanish Bibles into the hands of Central and South American military personnel.
Apr 30, 2020, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
Here are 10 encouragements for believers to make the Bible a priority in their lives.
Dec 08, 2023, By Charles T. Crabtree
Duane Henders has helped start Teen Challenge centers throughout the Caribbean and Latin America, but his passion is to reach even more countries.
Feb 22, 2016, By John W. Kennedy
AG minister and missionary Doug Haag, who serves with Wycliffe Bible translators, is working to see Bible translations for all languages started by 2025.
Feb 16, 2016, By Kristel Zelaya
A recent Gallop Poll found that 75 percent of Americans see the Bible as the actual or inspired Word of God, however, the poll also shows an increase in the percentage of people who see the Bible as merely a collection of fables.
Dec 11, 2014, By AG News
Eli Duran obediently followed God's leading in building up the Hispanic AG Church, whether that meant being a Bible school president, laying cement, or both.
Oct 21, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
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