A kite string by itself isn't very strong, but as Paul Hesch, pastor of Victory Life Church, has learned, a single kite string can lead to strong connections.
Oct 23, 2023, By Dan Van Veen
Ministry-minded couple relocate to focus on rural children in need.
Apr 30, 2021, By Cynthia J Thomas
Overwhelmed small-town pastor-chaplain refocuses direction, thanks to Rural Compassion.
Jul 07, 2021, By Peter K. Johnson
Hurricane Irma has AG ministries and members in its path, while Hurricane Harvey damaged more than two dozen AG churches.
Sep 06, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
Convoy of Hope is already getting its disaster response team in place in Texas as the impact of Hurricane Harvey is expected to be catastrophic.
Aug 25, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
AG churches and ministers are still feeling the wrath of Harvey, but aid is already in place and being distributed.
Aug 28, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
Persistent pastor receiving assistance for hurricane-damaged church.
Oct 23, 2017, By Deann Alford
Octogenarians Stan and Julie spent many years turning struggling U.S. churches around. Now they lead construction teams overseas.
Dec 14, 2017, By John W. Kennedy
King’s View Assembly of God in the small town of Ione, California, helps meets needs by teaming up with Rural Compassion.
Feb 11, 2015, By Gail Wood
Hundreds of ministry wives gather for encouragement.
Aug 04, 2015, By Darla Knoth
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