A prophecy made more than three decades ago, that the Cuban church would become a light to the world, is now becoming a reality.
Jul 22, 2019, By Renée Griffith
Light for the Lost saw a double-digit increase in giving last year as it continues to help missionaries reach the lost with the gospel message.
Apr 19, 2017, By Mandy Kennedy
Jesus called himself the light of the world -- but the original meaning goes much deeper than it appears!
Aug 23, 2017, By Wave Nunnally
What did Jesus really mean in Matthew 5:14 when He said, "You are the light of the world"?
Sep 13, 2017, By Wave Nunnally
Growing from one man's divine vision into a global resource for Bibles and gospel literature, Light for the Lost has stayed focused on its God-given mission for 70 years.
Jan 26, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
7th World Missions Congress to convene in Kenya later this year, marking the first event of its kind to be held on the continent of Africa.
Mar 13, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
A popular Christmas carol, "Joy to the World," was originally intended to be about joyfully anticipating Christ's return.
Dec 21, 2023, By George P. Wood
U.S. missionary David Houck and his wife, Tammy, have successfully taken the gospel into a portion of Florida that's secluded, dangerous, and heart-breaking.
Feb 02, 2024, By Kristel Zelaya
A devotional response to the scholarly two-part article by Wave Nunnally, Ph.D.
Sep 26, 2017, By Amy Turnage
Pentecostals with a passion for missions from around the world are gathering in Medellín, Colombia, this September for a joint WAGF/PWF World Missions Congress.
Mar 30, 2022, By Dan Van Veen
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