Evangel University has now received a total of $7 million in grants from Lilly Endowment Inc. to advance ministerial training in the last two years.
Dec 09, 2022, By Erin Hedlun
Southeastern University recently received a $1 million grant to help finance Project Ostiarius, benefiting Hispanic and Latino ministers and pastors.
Jul 29, 2022, By Skylar Worthington
The Lilly Endowment Grant will be used to develop affordable and adaptable theological training for current and aspiring ministers at the AG Theological Seminary.
Sep 27, 2022, By Erin Hedlun
Latin American Bible Institute College partnered with two other schools and has received a multimillion-dollar grant to assist Hispanic students in attaining a ministry degree.
Oct 17, 2022, By AG News
Lily Endowment awarded Evangel University an additional grant to supplement its Compelling Preaching Initiative, which is facilitated through the AG Theological Seminary.
Nov 20, 2023, By Erin Hedlun
Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington, has been awarded a grant of nearly $1 million for establishing a program for church planters.
Feb 15, 2021, By Joshua Ziefle and Earl Creps
Northwest University received a $1 million Lilly Endowment Inc. grant to establish the Family Faith Formation Initiative and develop an accessible faith formation assessment tool.
May 19, 2023, By Northwest University
Lilly Endowment Inc. recently presented the Assemblies of God with a $1.25 million grant to establish the Fostering Faith in Families initiative.
Jul 14, 2023, By AG News
Significant grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. will be used to launch the Assemblies of God's new "I Am A Disciple" Children's Initiative.
Apr 21, 2023, By AG News
Lilly Endowment Inc. has awarded Northwest University (AG) a grant in excess of $400,000 to establish the university's new Summer Journey program.
Dec 16, 2015, By Northwest University Staff
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