David and Teesha Laflin use illusions to share the gospel while exposing how the "Great Deceiver" is at work in the world.
May 17, 2018, By Dan Van Veen
Chi Alpha has partnered with illusionist Jim Munroe to seize college students' attention and present a compelling gospel message.
Mar 16, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
Desperate mom’s vacation turns into a Christ-filled transformation.
Jan 06, 2020, By Ginger Kolbaba
As a young boy, Pedro's world was crumbling around him, but it seemed the power of "white magic" provided everything he was looking for -- and far more.
Jul 20, 2015, By Dan Van Veen
Is there evidence to support the claim that the resurrection of Jesus is historical reality?
Mar 02, 2018, By Wave Nunnally
When the death of a loved one occurs, children need to process their pain differently than adults.
Mar 15, 2018, By John W. Kennedy
Diagnosed with deadly pancreatic cancer, Pete Forras' doctors could do nothing to help him, but then the Great Physician paid him a visit.
Mar 09, 2018, By Dan Van Veen
Pastor recalls long-ago Bible Quiz memory verses in preaching after loss of vision.
May 25, 2018, By Mary J Yerkes
Bill Gipple has served the Deaf community since his youth but was recently recognized for his faithful shepherding of a Deaf congregation in California for 30 years.
Aug 30, 2023, By Deann Alford
Jon and Elizabeth Smith pastor the House of Prayer Church in New Orleans where encountering the supernatural is far from uncommon.
Jun 19, 2017, By Andrew Hurst
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