Brazil outreach rally filled three stadiums and was viewed by millions online as it encouraged believers to go out and share their faith.
Feb 21, 2020, By AG News
The 10.2 prayer campaign urges people to set an alarm to pray at 10:02 a.m. or p.m. every day to send more workers to the mission field — it's yielding results.
Oct 04, 2024, By John W. Kennedy
What makes the Assemblies of God so appealing? Dr. Alan Ehler, Dean of the College of Christian Ministries at Southeastern University (AG), shares his perspective.
Feb 18, 2016, By Alan Ehler
7th World Missions Congress to convene in Kenya later this year, marking the first event of its kind to be held on the continent of Africa.
Mar 13, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
Missionary Alice Luce led the Assemblies of God to adopt the indigenous church principle as its official missions strategy in 1921.
Sep 26, 2022, By Darrin J. Rodgers
The Church Multiplication Network and AG World Missions have built an intentional relationship to learn from and serve each other which has resulted in more effective and far-reaching ministry.
Sep 30, 2024, By Joy Myers
With more than 69 million people worshipping in nearly 371,000 churches globally, the Assemblies of God is part of the fasting-growing movement in the history of Christianity: the Pentecostal movement.
Jun 05, 2019, By Donna Barrett
In a rousing rally Thursday evening at the Pepsi Center, 9,500 people gathered to commemorate Assemblies of God world missions past, present and future.
Aug 04, 2005, By John W. Kennedy
Missionaries Nick and Marcae Robertson have helped make prayer for missions and missionaries a passion for many students at UVF.
May 07, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
As Youth Alive missionaries Joe and Natalie Barnoske discovered, reaching youth for Christ is easier and more effective with a solid support system in place!
Dec 09, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
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