Embracing his underdog revitalization role pays off for enterprising Oklahoma pastor Greg Wheat.
Aug 11, 2022, By Guyla Armstrong
How is the Church responding in compassion and proclaiming Christ when confronted with a natural disaster in a country opposed to Christianity?
Apr 18, 2024, By AGWM Communications
A closer look at the "why" of suffering, persecution, war, and natural disasters and what the response of AGWM workers and other believers have been and must continue to be.
Apr 24, 2024, By AGWM Communications
Donna Lott, who attends Florida City First AG, has found the Lord to be her source of joy, no matter the circumstances.
May 28, 2019, By Dan Van Veen
Executive presbyters Bradley Trask and Rob Ketterling share their insights on the importance of a healthy environment for the cultivation of spiritual growth.
Feb 08, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
Dr. Dennis Rittle, an ordained AG minister, was recently installed as the president of Cowley College and he credits God for preparing him for the task.
Nov 23, 2015, By Dan Van Veen
California evangelist's "feats-of-strength" ministry is impacting students with the gospel.
Nov 08, 2024, By Eric Tiansay
Many people want to help victims following a natural disaster, but knowing how to help is the key to providing beneficial help.
Nov 12, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
Susan Ross, wife of Rick Ross, newly appointed general treasurer for the Assemblies of God, shares her heart on the importance of mothers.
May 10, 2024, By AG News
Fifty years ago, theologian Percy Brewster identified nine trends that Pentecostal needed to be wary of — they still hold true for today.
Dec 14, 2023, By Darrin J. Rodgers
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