Steel City Church, a new church plant, is engaging people on the outside of the church to bring people inside of the church.
Oct 07, 2016, By Janet Walker
The more they give, the more they receive; New York church learns you can't outgive God.
May 06, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
As New York expands abortion, General Superintendent Doug Clay calls churches to prayer.
Jan 25, 2019, By Doug Clay
Scores of people groups in the Big Apple lead to the formation of a district Intercultural Ministries Department.
May 15, 2015, By Peter K. Johnson
New York City church planter starts The Grace Place, despite a grim diagnosis.
Oct 04, 2018, By Robert E. Mims
Pastor Josh Clark's life was over, but then prayers and the Holy Spirit interceded with miraculous results.
Dec 13, 2017, By Dan Van Veen
Recent discoveries at the Center for Holy Lands' dig in el-Araj appear to be history changing!
Aug 07, 2017, By AG News
Founded in 2012, Lumber City Church is expanding God's kingdom as it ministers to its community.
Oct 11, 2017, By Dan Kersten
African church plants are springing up around the Big Apple.
Jan 13, 2020, By Kenneth C. Walker
Earlier this week, the 49th General Council elected five new members to the Executive Presbytery, and returned six incumbents for two-year terms. Following are short profiles of the new and returning executive presbyters.
Aug 10, 2001, By Rob Cunningham
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