John Lindell and Robert Madu led off the opening General Session of the Influence Conference with messages on grace and the miracle on the other side of offense.
Aug 01, 2019, By Dan Van Veen
When AG General Secretary Donna Barrett was surprised by a fast-moving cancer, she came face to face with her own mortality and grew to have a fuller understanding of what it means to say, "My life is in God's hands."
Aug 05, 2024, By Donna Barrett
Robert Crosby shares what forgiveness is … and is not.
Dec 18, 2019, By Robert Crosby
Social media offers a prime opportunity for Christians be influencers for good.
Jan 09, 2018, By Mark Forrester
Missouri pastor enjoys the unenviable task of turning around failing churches.
Aug 23, 2018, By Ashley B. Grant
Dr. Dennis Rittle, an ordained AG minister, was recently installed as the president of Cowley College and he credits God for preparing him for the task.
Nov 23, 2015, By Dan Van Veen
He was a hardened train engineer, proud of his coarse language, but then God got ahold of his life and C. H. Austin became an AG evangelist!
Nov 16, 2017, By Darrin J. Rodgers
Heather Weber finds a niche in Iowa City.
Sep 22, 2017, By Ian Richardson
A history of the Azusa Street Revival
Apr 04, 1999, By Gary B. McGee
Identifying with Christ in His suffering brings hope and meaning to the struggles of our own lives.
Apr 11, 2020, By Robert Crosby
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