Throughout the world, the gospel message faces varying levels and forms of opposition.
Jun 07, 2019, By AGWM Communications
Youth Alive campus missionary keeps evangelizing in the wake of disapproval from school officials.
Nov 15, 2016, By Jennifer Pallikkathayil
Gleanings for Christians from the Jewish Festival of Lights.
Dec 15, 2022, By Carol Calise
Haik Hovsepian gave his life to share the gospel with his fellow Iranians — now, despite opposition, the Iranian Church is the fastest growing evangelical church in the world.
Mar 08, 2024, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
How is the Church responding in compassion and proclaiming Christ when confronted with a natural disaster in a country opposed to Christianity?
Apr 18, 2024, By AGWM Communications
Marie Burgess followed God's leading to start a church in New York City and, despite opposition, it became one of the largest AG churches in the United States.
May 07, 2020, By Darrin J. Rodgers
How did revival come to the railroad town of Thayer, Missouri, in the early 1900s? It began with prayer and the Holy Spirit took over from there.
Jun 22, 2023, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
Despite last year’s Supreme Court ruling, abortion access remains an obsession for many.
Jan 18, 2023, By John W. Kennedy
U.S. missionary Nicole Phillips founded Florida-based Lavished Ministries to reach women who are caught in the sex industry with the hope of the gospel.
Aug 14, 2023, By Cathy Ketcher
General Superintendent Doug Clay urged ministers to yoke their lives and ministries with Christ in order to enhance, expand, and enjoy their ministry assignment.
Aug 02, 2023, By Dan Van Veen
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