John W. Kennedy, an extraordinary journalist who has impacted the lives of countless readers through AG News and other publications, will retire at the end of April.
Apr 25, 2023, By Dan Van Veen
Q & A: NextGen and the Holy Spirit
May 25, 2023, By AG News Staff
While serving in Northern Asia as missionaries, Paul and Patty Durbin were surprised to find God calling them back to the United States as missionaries to Boulder, Colorado.
Aug 13, 2024, By Cassidy Ozias
Supreme Court rules 7-2 that the religious beliefs of Jack Phillips are paramount over a gay wedding cake.
Jun 04, 2018, By John W. Kennedy
Supreme Court rules 5-4 that pregnancy care centers can’t be forced to advertise Planned Parenthood.
Jun 26, 2018, By John W. Kennedy
Kristen Waggoner is lead counsel in the pending First Amendment case on baker Jack Phillips.
May 03, 2018, By John W. Kennedy
Chi Alpha leaders, pastor use international ministry experience to connect with residents in Colorado city.
Sep 14, 2021, By John W. Kennedy
Onetime majority Filipino church seeks to include other ethnicities.
Mar 20, 2017, By John W. Kennedy
Steadfast Philadelphia pastor Richard A. Smith battles vices in the trenches, one step at a time.
Sep 13, 2017, By John W. Kennedy
Melissia Coley wants to tell others about the Jesus she knows.
Oct 14, 2022, By John W. Kennedy
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