Africa is growing increasingly urban, which creates challenges and opportunities for missionaries.
Feb 25, 2019, By AGWM Communications
Church Multiplication Network typically focuses on the United States, but recently the CMN teamed with Urban Tribes in Africa for a special event.
Jul 01, 2022, By Dan Van Veen
David du Plessis' ministry flourished in South Africa and ended up impacting the world in such a way that he became known as "Mr. Pentecost."
Jul 29, 2021, By Ruthie Edgerly Oberg
Prayers brought about Jay Alexander’s recovery from a near-fatal crash.
Aug 23, 2021, By Tammy Real McKeighan
He was born into privilege, but William Burton found it was his privilege to spend most of his adult life sharing the gospel message in the Congo.
Nov 30, 2017, By Darrin J. Rodgers
A swarm of locust turns out to be a blessing, not a curse, for the native people and missionaries in this historic article.
Aug 06, 2020, By Darrin J. Rodgers
In the midst of great accomplishments, missionaries Harold and Margaret Jones also faced many challenges, but saw God prevail in reaching people for Christ.
Apr 22, 2021, By Glenn W. Gohr
Proclaiming Pentecost, a free book of sermon outlines, is assisting African pastors in sharing the Pentecostal message.
Nov 26, 2018, By Denny Miller
The 2013 consolidation of Central Bible College, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, and Evangel University has resulted in Bible schools in Africa being blessed with tens of thousands of resource books!
Feb 09, 2016, By Amber Weigand-Buckley
African-American Pastor Kevin Brown reaches multiple races preaching in Hawaii.
Mar 03, 2015, By John W. Kennedy
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