What are spiritual gifts and how do they impact the Church? AG leaders provide thoughts on common spiritual gifts questions.
Jun 06, 2019, By AG News
Multiethnic church experiences growth as spiritual gifts function.
Apr 21, 2023, By Joel Kilpatrick
When Chad Harvey, who formerly subscribed to cessationist theology, was baptized with the Holy Spirit, he began to build bridges for others who were hesitant towards Pentecostal beliefs.
May 17, 2024, By Deann Alford
A woman, who became known as "the resurrected one," starts a revival in Madagascar as she follows God's leading.
Nov 12, 2015, By Darrin J. Rodgers
Executive presbyters Bradley Trask and Rob Ketterling share their insights on the importance of a healthy environment for the cultivation of spiritual growth.
Feb 08, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
For Greg Temke and his congregation, losing their sanctuary in a massive fire helped ignite spiritual growth in the church.
Nov 05, 2024, By Greg Temke
Worship arts majors at SAGU learn to lead at school and on ministry trips.
Mar 31, 2023, By John W. Kennedy
General Superintendent Doug Clay reflects on the rich heritage of the Assemblies of God in recognizing the gifts that God has given to women and releasing them for Kingdom advancement.
Jun 26, 2023, By Doug Clay
In order to see a sweeping spiritual transformation in America, prayer is where it must begin.
Jun 21, 2024, By George P. Wood
For the past 17 years, a Springfield, Missouri, church has blessed local area schools with Christmas gifts. This year, all staff received a Christmas blessing, too.
Jan 05, 2024, By Cynthia J Thomas
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