JoLeta Nash finds purpose in new ministry after the death of her husband.
Feb 25, 2022, By Cynthia J Thomas
An interceding congregation helped Chrissy Cymbala Toledo return to the fold.
Jan 25, 2017, By Patti Townley-Covert
Once in a remote field, church now is in the epicenter of a Kansas City suburb.
Nov 21, 2016, By John W. Kennedy
In recognition for his lifetime of ministry to cowboys and others, Russ Weaver was recently presented the Ricky Davis Lifetime Achievement Award for Specialized Chaplaincy.
Dec 12, 2023, By John W. Kennedy
Kansas church holds a yearly holiday banquet for Evangel University students whose parents are on the mission field.
Jan 14, 2019, By Ian Richardson
For the past decade, Russ Weaver has held services at the annual event in Fort Worth, Texas.
Feb 09, 2015, By Deann Alford
Jordan Weaver leaves his brand on the homey Shiloh Ranch Cowboy Church in central Oregon.
Jun 05, 2015, By Deann Alford
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