U.S. missionary Ken Pryor and his wife, Tammy, travel rural America, supporting ministers and helping build healthy churches.
Jun 05, 2023, By Kristel Zelaya
U.S. missionary David Houck and his wife, Tammy, have successfully taken the gospel into a portion of Florida that's secluded, dangerous, and heart-breaking.
Feb 02, 2024, By Kristel Zelaya
New Army Chief of Chaplains Thomas L. Solhjem is establishing priorities as the top spiritual adviser for the military branch’s 1.25 million members.
Jul 03, 2019, By John W. Kennedy
Missionaries Nick and Marcae Robertson have helped make prayer for missions and missionaries a passion for many students at UVF.
May 07, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
He may lead a church of less than 50, but Pastor Daryl Pennington and the congregation of McClusky (North Dakota) Assembly of God make BGMC and missions a financial priority.
Nov 17, 2015, By Dan Van Veen
Real Life Church in Sacramento teaches the value of multiple races gathering together.
Jun 21, 2022, By John W. Kennedy
A new initiative seeks to prioritize the needs of AG congregations in small communities.
Feb 27, 2015, By Robert E. Mims
Here are 10 encouragements for believers to make the Bible a priority in their lives.
Dec 08, 2023, By Charles T. Crabtree
In an era when many families struggle even to eat a meal in the same room, prioritizing time together is always worth the effort.
Aug 26, 2024, By James T. Bradford
As prayer and the Great Commission have become a priority for many students at Southeastern University, more than 800 of them have registered to go on a missions trip this school year.
Oct 25, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
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