Australian ministry leader urges Influence Conference attendees to seize ministry opportunities amid shifting sand.
Aug 03, 2015, By John W. Kennedy
She just wanted to share her excitement with her Facebook friends — now she may very well be the most popular person on Facebook, ever!
May 26, 2016, By Dan Van Veen
A recent survey revealed that more than half of those who do not attend church would likely come to a Christmas service if they were invited.
Dec 17, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
General Superintendent Doug Clay urges prayer for children.
Oct 27, 2022, By Doug Clay
For Greg Temke and his congregation, losing their sanctuary in a massive fire helped ignite spiritual growth in the church.
Nov 05, 2024, By Greg Temke
Southside Assembly of God in Booneville, Arkansas, was gutted by a fire Wednesday that police believe may have been arson.
Nov 19, 2018, By Dan Van Veen
The AG Executive Presbytery has elected Donna L. Barrett to serve as the 11th general secretary.
Apr 23, 2018, By Mark Forrester
Decades after drug use forced Stacie to give up her child for adoption, they have been reunited. Today, both are using their experiences to help restore lives broken by addictions.
Dec 20, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
Despite the challenges the pandemic presented to church planters in 2020, the year was considered a success with the future growth of church planting looking promising.
Mar 10, 2021, By Dan Van Veen
Doris Quirós has been elected assistant superintendent of the Southern Latin District — becoming the first female in the continental U.S. Assemblies of God to hold that position.
Nov 02, 2021, By Deann Alford
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