Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine...." The familiar strains of a favorite hymn echoed the heartbeat of those who, at the call of General Superintendent Thomas Trask, gathered Wednesday morning in Sacred Assembly.
Aug 11, 1999, By Harris Jansen
In a show of solidarity across racial and denominational lines, Central Assembly of God and Sanctuary of Praise COGIC presented their third annual collaborative night of worship in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Jan 21, 2025, By Ashley B. Grant
Two women, both diagnosed with cancer, and the journey Faith Assembly of God recently took as God chose to heal one on Earth, while the other received her healing in heaven.
Mar 07, 2024, By Lydia Nester
A cross, erected in a field as a symbol of things to come for an Arkansas church, was unknowingly a quiet beacon of hope to an entire community.
May 29, 2024, By Cynthia J Thomas
Knowing she was called to lead others in worship, Kim Mannon saw God's healing hand restore her voice after an extensive medical journey that should have left her unable to speak, let alone sing.
Jan 27, 2025, By Deann Alford
Former Michigan Ministry Network Superintendent Bill Leach shares advice and encouragement for fathers.
Jun 13, 2024, By Bill Leach
The 1994 Memphis Miracle gave many Assemblies of God leaders a heightened sense of urgency for racial reconciliation.
Oct 18, 2024, By Darrin J. Rodgers
Reflecting on the benefits of thankfulness during the holiday season.
Nov 26, 2024, By Ashley B. Grant
Despite soaring temperatures and intense humidity, Grason Wallace and Tyler Sawyer, the student pastor for Enterprise First Assembly, trekked across southern Alabama and raised thousands of dollars for Speed the Light.
Jul 11, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
In just six months, God transformed Century Assembly from a church teetering on closure to one of the fastest growing congregations in the U.S.
Apr 25, 2024, By Dan Van Veen
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